
Privat Coaching

We lead trainings in all Driving Centres, on race tracks and in open road traffic. We improve driving technique on several levels.

In addition, we lead selected trainings online.

Since efficiency is the most important issue, each program is tailor-made to meet expectations. However, regardless of whether we conduct group training or private coaching, an individual approach is crucial, because the program should be as unique and flexible as its participant. The benefits are progress, satisfaction, reduction of accidents while increasing awareness of threats and the best efficiency in pursuit of intended goals.

Szkolenia flotowe

Najlepsze referencje to zaufanie największych graczy na polskim rynku.

Od ponad 20 lat współpracujemy z firmami z niemal każdej branży, poprawiając wizerunek kierowcy flotowego, wdrażając rozwiązania dające wymierne korzyści, również finansowe.

Wielodekadowe doświadczenie instruktorów ...
